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Economies of scale and global access are the two main tenets of cloud economics. Cloud providers save businesses money through economies of scale since they can afford to buy a lot of computing resources at once. Employing these shared resources allows businesses to avoid the high upfront CAPEX costs associated with acquiring their own expensive infrastructure. A pay-as-you-go pricing approach also allows businesses to scale up or reduce their resource usage by only charging them for the resources they actually utilize.​


Cloud computing's worldwide reach also results in significant cost reductions. Companies can significantly lower labor expenses when servers are no longer need to be hosted on-site and can instead be found and accessed from anywhere in the world. Their in-house IT personnel are no longer required to spend time installing and maintaining sophisticated gear.


IT teams may generate significant operational savings, as well as cut down on complexity and IT silos, by deploying consistent architecture and operations across IT environments.


Let Simplify RFI be your one stop shop for evaluating all Cloud projects: past, present, or future. Our experience in working with the biggest names in Cloud give us detailed insights into market pricing and pricing competitiveness. Let us help you negotiate the best price possible for existing Cloud products as well as finding new partners at the lowest possible price. 

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